Monday, December 3, 2012

Super-natural Political Manifestation of Kristos (Christ) in flesh (political status)!

Great Universal Human Rights Idea - 
Global Unification in 2012!

Most people say, only the Almighty's work alone is impossible, and that there is NO WAY to diplomatically conquer IMF debt today. However, as ye are all Gods (mighty human beings) on earth (193 member nation states), any human being may politically aspire to commercially sacrifice his human vessel in global commerce (intellectual trade), to become a universal human rights ambassador (servant for humanity), in the name of our Lion of Judah in Ethiopia's divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all.

For the sovereign Lord (political master) himself will diplomatically come down from Ethiopia (heaven), with a loud human rights COMMAND, with the voice of the Archangel Mikael and with the trumpet call of Elect of God the Father of Ethiopia, and the politically dead in Kristos will politically rise from global IMF Apostasy first.

1 Thessalonians 4:3-8

3 For this is what Elect of God the Father wills, the sanctifying of YOU (humanity), that YOU (humanity) abstain from IMF fornication; 4 that each one of YOU should know how to get possession of his own human vessel in sanctification (legal an lawful purification) and honor, 5 not in covetous sexual appetite such as also those bankrupt nation states have which do not know Elect of God the Father; 6 that no one go to the point of harming and encroach upon the human rights of his brother in this matter, because Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty) is one who exacts punishment for all these diplomatic things, just as we told YOU beforehand and also gave YOU a thorough diplomatic witness.

7 For Elect of God the Father called us, not with allowance for Jesuit uncleanness, but in diplomatic connection with sanctification. 8 So, then, the man that shows disregard is disregarding, not man, but Elect of God the Father, who puts his holy spirit (Menfis Qidus) in YOU.

He shall come to universally judge, the commercially living, in global IMF Apostasy, and the politically dead, under this evil and corrupt system of Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination in commerce!

So for humanity to experience the true essence of our Almighty human rights law-givers undeserved kindness (diplomatic immunity from global IMF tyranny), we would critically need a divine human rights mediator to diplomatically administer this sacred (debt free - holy) covenant (UN charter)

Henceforth, One human being out of over 7 billion people must come forward as a Nazerene (covenant keeper) of the Royal Order of Melchezedic (Christian Kings of Righteousness - Emperors of Ethiopia - true line of Kristos); 

One human being must diplomatically EXPOSE the man (p.o.p.e - politically oppressive people enemy) of international lawlessness, at the appointed time, which is upon humanity today in 2012.

One human being must give a divine Ethiopian testimony when making an international Ethiopian Messiahship human rights claim to an identity. 

One human being must humble himself as a child of tremendous human rights faith, and morally persuade ALL human adults into global unification in human rights law, as the divine Son of Humanity (Wolde Atsie - Elect of God the Son)

Your debt free UN Planetary Kingdom 
have diplomatically come!
John 4:21-26

“Believe me, woman (catholic church), The hour is coming when neither in this mountain (bankrupt nation state - legal fiction) nor in Jerusalem (Ethiopian orthodox Faith) will YOU tewahedo Christian people worship (unconditionally love - obey UN law of equality) the Father (Abba).

22 YOU ALL worship (unconditionally love - obey IMF policy) what YOU do not know; we worship (unconditionally love - obey UN law of equality) what we know, because human rights salvation originates with Ethiopian Jews. 

23 Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is NOW, when the true worshipers will worship the Father (Abba) with spirit (intelligence) and t.r.u.t.h. (The Real Untold Testimony of Haile-Elijah), for, in human rights deed, the Father (Abba) is looking for suchlike ones to worship His Imperial Majesty in godly fear.

24 Elect of God the Father (Abba Atsie) is a Spirit (intelligence), and those worshiping His Imperial Majesty must worship (unconditionally love - obey UN law of equality) with spirit (intelligence) and t.r.u.t.h.(The Real Untold Testimony of Haile/Elijah).”

25 The woman said to him: “I know that Ethiopian Messiah is coming, who is called Kristos - Christ (the Anointed One of Ethiopia). Whenever that one arrives, he will diplomatic declare all political things to us (humanity) openly.”

26 Iyesus said to her: “I an I who am speaking online in cyber-space to humanity today am he.”

we Love (obey UN law of Equality) 
because He (Abba Jahnoy - Father Majesty) 
diplomatically loved us (humanity) first!

We know that our Ethiopian Messiah has come, for he has diplomatically reveal all political things openly. Concerning commercial sin (transgressions against UN law of Equality), because humanity is NOT exercising human rights faith in the divine covenant (UN charter), that they do see at the UN today;

concerning righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness) in universal human rights law of fundamental equality for all; and concerning universal human rights judgement, as ALL humanity will be DECLARED righteous, while the defacto Jesuit world rulers will be internationally judged - incompetent.

a Holy (sacred - debt free) 
diplomatic l.i.f.e. (living in full equality)

So One human being must make a universal human rights claim to an indigenous Ethiopian identity, so as to become politically eligible to promote an protect indigenous international sovereignty (political free will) today; 

One human being must become a political Anomaly in human rights opposition against global IMF debt, so as to diplomatically conquer a debt free political destiny, to become the voice of the peoples universal human rights ambassador (servant for humanity) today.

One human being must re-create this global IMF kingdom of Usury into a debt free UN Planetary kingdom of Equality in Righteousness for all. Just as One human being must sound the Ethiopian horn of universal human rights redemption an salvation towards all, with an indigenous seal (hereditary title) from our living Elect of God the Father of Ethiopia.

Only Wolde Atsie (Elect of God the Son) proceeds from Abba Atsie (Elect of God the Father) and from the Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit) to fulfil Mystire Selassie (Mystery of Holy Triune Elect of God in Ethiopia). 

For it is He, Kristos, who must be diplomatically received by his fallen tewahedo Christian people in the western hemisphere an southern African jurisdiction, Archbishop Abuna Yesehaq's meek an mild autonomous flock (congregation), so that he may be universally recognized as Iyesus Kristos Medhane Alem (savior of bankrupt modern world) and he who politically save his tewahedo Christian people from global IMF Apostasy today

Since English is a very young language, then it is safe to say that before KJV was authorized, Ethiopian Holy Scriptures of 81 books have been the spiritual (intellectual) ROOT of modern day western Christianity under Roman Civil Laws (policies) of today.

16 “For Elect of God the Father loved the bankrupt modern world of commerce (trade) so much that he gave his only politically-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising human rights faith in His Imperial Majesty's divine covenant (UN charter) might not be commercially destroyed under global IMF debt but have everlasting diplomatic l.i.f.e. (living in full equality)

17 For Elect of God the Father sent forth his divine anointed Son into the bankrupt modern world of trade, not for His Imperial Majesty to universally judge the bankrupt modern world of trade, but for the bankrupt modern world of trade to be diplomatically saved through His Imperial Majesty's divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all - international standards.

18 He that exercises human rights faith in His Imperial Majesty's divine covenant (UN charter) is not to be judged under global IMF Apostasy. He that does not exercise human rights faith has been universally judged already, because he has not exercised human rights faith in the name of the only politically-begotten Son of our Elect of God the Father.

19 Now this is the basis for universal human rights judgement, that the human rights light has come into the bankrupt modern world of trade today, but humanity have come to blindly love the IMF darkness (debtor status) rather than the divine human rights light, for their commercial works were wicked under global IMF Apostasy.

20 For he that practices vile things in global commerce (trade) hates the divine human rights light and does not come to the divine human rights light, in order that his bankrupt commercial works may not be reproved. 21 But he that does what is true under international human rights law comes to the divine human rights light, in order that his human rights works may be made to diplomatically manifest as having been worked in harmony with Elect of God the Father's will (UN charter).”

If Satan (slanderer an resistor to human brotherhood - supreme pontiff) overthrows Satan, then how will global IMF debt commercially stand Supreme? Only fundamental equality will dissolve this global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination of human minds, in the twinkling of an eye, so we may all be politically changed with Kristos in flesh (political status) at the right time!

Just as Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty) is Love (obedient to UN law of equality), He is also political warrior; and this is the KEY to the Mikael (Michael) and Kristos (Christ) split energy phenomena; Kristos is LOVE (obedient to law) – Mikael is political Warrior, but they both exist as an intellectual force to further our Father’s Will (UN charter).

The Lion of Judah in Ethiopia – debt free UN Planetary Kingdom of Kristos, the coming Millennium. 

The Lion of Zion in Ethiopia, Mikael the Archangel, the Wrath coming from Abba Jahnoy's Imperial Throne in Ethiopia. 

The Word Mikael (he who is like Elect of God the Father) who becomes Kristos, is the only direct creation of Abba Jahnoy and the bi-creator of everything else in political existence.

After his diplomatic resurrection, the energy split between Mikael Kristos was necessary because King (private diplomat) Savior (Messiah) Kristos cannot be the Savior (Messiah) and Destroyer at the same time.

Abba Jahnoy trusts only His politically-Begotten Son to Vindicate His name through his universal human rights leadership, and is why he is split.  In the Word’s duties to our Creator (Creditor), he assumes all three positions as the SPOKESMAN (the Word Iyesus); the ARCHANGEL (Mikael) as Commander of Abba Jahnoy's intellectual Forces of the Spirit (intelligence) Realm; 

HUMAN RIGHTS SALVATION from Adamic Sin to those that place HUMAN RIGHTS FAITH in His Imperial Majesty;s divine covenant (UN charter) and His Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty) and the T.R.U.T.H. (The Real Untold Testimony of Haile-Elijah) that is within the written Word (Iyesus Kristos).

Kristos is Mercy; Mikael is Wrath
Kristos is Diplomatic Savior (Ethiopian Messiah); Mikael is the political Warrior
Kristos gives human rights Salvation; Michael announces END of global IMF Apostasy

Kristos diplomatically Saves; Mikael politically Executes
Kristos is the new King (private diplomat) over human creation; Archangel Mikael is Abaddon, the king of the commercial (contractual) Abyss (global IMF darkness - debt).

 Iyesus Kristos Medhane Alem
with Our Lady, the Virgin Mariam 
and clouds (fallen tewahedo Christian people)

By the sovereign Voice of human beings, a diplomatic rapture is the only peaceful alternative against global IMF Apostasy. So in political unity, we can be diplomatically free of global IMF captivity,,,,selah!

 What inherent value would Christianity have without a divine diplomatic resurrection from the politically dead IMF debtor serf (IMF tax-payer) status in global commerce of today!

Luke 21:25-36

“Also, there will be astrological signs in sun and moon and stars (planetary alignment), and on the earth (193 nation states) anguish of bankrupt nation states, not knowing the diplomatic way out of global IMF Apostasy because of the roaring of the Jesuit sea of commerce (trade) and its political agitation in commercial (contractual) bankruptcy, 26 while men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth;

for the powers (human rights knowledge) of the heavens (Ethiopia) will be politically shaken. 27 And then they will see the Son of Humanity coming in a cloud (fallen tewahedo Christian people) with sovereign (politically free) power (human rights knowledge) and great glory (magnificence in human rights law – diplomatic immunity). 28 

But as these diplomatic things start to politically occur, raise yourselves erect and lift YOUR heads up, because OUR universal human rights deliverance is getting near.

29 With that he spoke an illustration to them: “Note the fig tree and all the other trees: 30 When they are already in the bud, by observing it YOU know for yourselves that now the summer is near. 31 In this way YOU also, when YOU see these diplomatic things politically occurring, know that the debt free UN Planetary kingdom of Elect of God the Father is near.

32 Truly I an I say to YOU, This 21st century generation will by no means pass away until all diplomatic things politically occur. 33 Heaven (Ethiopia) and earth (193 nation states) will commercially pass away under global IMF Apostasy, but my words (UN charter) will by no means pass away in global commerce (intellectual trade) until all political things take place in a divine manifestation in flesh (political status).

34 “But pay attention to yourselves that YOUR hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of this bankrupt commercial life, and suddenly that universal human rights judgement day be instantly upon YOU 35 as a snare.

For it (universal human rights judgement day) will come in upon all those dwelling upon the face of all the earth (193 nation states). 36 Keep awake, then, all the time making supplication that YOU may succeed in diplomatically escaping all these commercial things that are destined to occur under global IMF Apostasy, and in standing before the divine Son of Humanity today.”

His Imperial Majesty's promised diplomatic Return (essence) 
in our Ethiopian Messiah (Diplomatic Savor) of today (2012)!

White Flag - Non-Violent International Conflict Resolution with US Embassy in Jamaica!: 
Intellectual Political Truce for Global Unification in human rights Law! 

Royal Imperial Empire of Ethiopia diplomatically Restored, 2012!: